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At William Stockton, to ‘get better at PSHE’ will mean that children learn about an array of different cultures and beliefs and allows them to gain a better understanding of the differences and diversity within our community and the wider world. Our aim is to develop confident, positive pupils who are ready to make a positive contribution to society in the future. 

Mrs J. Clark


I have been the PSHE and RSE subject lead at William Stockton for two years. I have a real enthusiasm for developing pupils' resilience and understanding of similarities and differences between people, communities and cultures. As part of my role, I also run the democratically elected school council, who meet regularly to discuss pertinent issues within our school. 

We use Discovery Education as the backbone of our curriculum as this ensures it is well sequenced and progressive. We also ensure our PSHE teaching covers any issues our children may face or see in the media, and these are discussed sensitively and in an age appropriate way.  A broad spectrum of the PSHE curriculum is delivered in order to accomodate and challenge pupils of all abilities; we adapt our teaching to suit the children's needs.  We have worked together as a staff to agree on clear end points for each half term. 

(Please click on our end points on the bottom of our page to see how our PSHE / RSE curriculum is structured)

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