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At William Stockton, to ‘get better at Modern Foreign Languages’ will mean that children develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening in a Modern Foreign Language. We expose children to French on a weekly basis learning language skills which will be transferable to learning other languages and to gain a better understanding of other cultures

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Mrs B. Holliday


I have been the subject lead at William Stockton for six years and I have a great love for the subject. I have an A-level and a degree in French and have also studied basic Spanish as part of my degree. As part of my PGCE teaching placement I worked within a French primary school for one of my placements and have also taken part in a teaching exchange program which was extremely interesting and mutually beneficial. I work closely alongside Mrs Clarke from our Federated school, Wimboldsley.  Mrs Clarke regularly attends conferences and has been asked to speak to audiences regarding teaching Modern Foreign Languages.   Together, and with support from the rest of the staff in the school, we have created our languages curriculum with the children at the forefront. 

The Modern Foreign Languages curriculum has been developed over the past 18 months and we feel that it is now well planned and well structured. All children at William Stockton have the opportunity to take part in modern foreign language lessons each week and key stage 2 children also have regular additional Spanish ‘taster’ sessions. We have agreed on clear end points that include the core skills and knowledge that we believe the children need, to achieve well in French and in becoming more competent lifelong linguists.   A broad spectrum of the MFL curriculum is delivered in order to accomodate and challenge pupils of all abilities; we adapt our teaching to suit the children's needs. 

(Please click on our end points on the bottom of our page to see how our Modern Foreign curriculum is structured)

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